
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Ep. 115: DR. CHARLES ELDER - Transforming Self-Care & Health Care
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Dr. Elder imparted a vast array of wisdom related to our achieving and maintaining the utmost well-being on all levels of our health: mental, physical, spiritual and emotional. We talked about balanced nutrition tips, recommended eating regimens as well as transcendental meditation and other habits to develop as peaceful and healthy a life as possible. Check out his website and his book on Amazon: Picture of Health: Transform Your Self-Care and Health Care Through Ayurvedic and Integrative Medicine

Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Ep. 114: Dr. Glenn Livingston & A Lighthearted Relationship with Food!
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Dr. Livingston has a very profound set of stories and illustrations to show us what a healthy relationship looks like (and doesn't)! He told us about gaining clarity about his own habits and patterns in his life after over 30 years. He talked at length about the food industry and some dirty secrets and techniques used to create and market a synthetic food-like substance. All in all, there are many gems of knowledge and insight. Check out Glenn's website and get a free copy of his book, Never Binge Again!

Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Ep. 113: How to Rapidly Transform Your Life w/ MICHELE MOLITOR
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Michele Molitor is the head of Nectar Consulting and lifts people from all walks of life with her highly effective Rapid Rewiring techniques. She is also an executive confidence coach and an acclaimed author of multiple books including Breakthrough Healing. We discussed how the subconscious mind functions in terms of blocks and barriers we impose on ourselves (many times involuntarily) involving money, love, success, etc. She expounded many wonderful insights and and invited one and all for a free discovery call and to join her amazing Facebook group: Rewire for Success. Enjoy!

Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Ep. 112: BOB WHEELER - Money, Emotion & The Comedy Store!
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Speaking with Bob Wheeler on today's episode was quite a delight! He has a vast base of experience and knowledge in all things finance as well as the emotional factors that contribute to attitudes and decisions in that arena. As CFO of the world-famous Comedy Store in Hollywood, he also has a treasure trove of stories and insights on the storied history of a venue that made tons of comedians into household names! He truly cares about the people he serves and offers some great bi-weekly online classes as well as other excellent material, not the least of which is his popular book, The Money Nerve: Navigating the Emotions of Money. Find out more at TheMoneyNerve.com!

Monday Jul 06, 2020
Ep. 111: CHARLIE HARTWELL - Mindfulness For The Life You Want!
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Charlie Hartwell brought us a lot of insights regarding mindfulness and living in the present moment - not worrying about the past or future. He also shared some of his story of how he "awakened" and started down this path, as well as several apps and tools we can all utilize to maximize our results in this realm. Enjoy!

Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Ep. 110: STEPHANIE RAFFELOCK - Keys to Aging Well!
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Stephanie Raffelock is a wonderful guest with a great deal of wisdom, tips and stories all centered around her book, A Delightful Little Book on Aging! We talked about the various facets of aging as well as compared and contrasted both men and women as well as those who seem to age well versus those who don't. We talked also about her background, George Burns, my great aunt Elinor and tons more! Don't miss it!

Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Ep. 109: MEGHAN GALLAGHER - Overcoming Anxiety & Much More!
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Megan Gallagher (see website here) is a young, dynamic woman with a long history of extreme anxiety including panic attacks and other very difficult experiences. She learned many techniques and has used them herself to largely overcome these challenges. Now, she is a three-time Ted Talk speaker (the 3rd one comes out this summer), soon to be four-time author, public speaker and overall inspiration. Her story and this conversation are definitely things you don't wanna miss!

Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Ep. 108: You Were Not Born To Suffer - BLAKE BAUER
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Blake Bauer shared his history that brought him from drug addiction and deep pain to a place of healing, clarity and prosperity. In his book, You Were Not Born to Suffer, Blake shares the wisdom gained in this journey along with principles and actions to bring about such transformation. In this episode, we discuss how our bodies, minds and souls are very deeply interconnected and how we can embrace pain as a friend urging us to love ourselves and others better in the process of becoming our best selves. Enjoy!

Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Ep. 107: JENNIFER LONGMORE - Finding Purpose & Peace!
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Sunday Jun 07, 2020
In this episode, Jennifer Longmore opened our eyes to some techniques in facing ourselves, our stories and our responsibility in our lives in order to also find true clarity and purpose. We addressed some of my own life difficulties and traumas in the latter half as well and she generously imparted many nuggets of wisdom. Enjoy!

Sunday May 31, 2020
Ep. 106: ADRI KYSER - CHOOSING Balanced Joy & Happiness!
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
What an amazing interview we had with Adriana Kyser (she often goes by Adri). Check out her website and get the free gift we discussed in our interview. Among other topics, we talked about how limiting beliefs are developed and how we can eliminate those sorts of obstacles through honesty with ourselves and CHOOSING a balanced approach to happiness in our lives. We also talked about guidelines surrounding sleep and tons of really deep topics surrounding our overall well-being as humans. I'm excited to share this one with you! While we should be charging $1 billion, we for this interview, we decided to discount that and make it FREE! ;)

Sunday May 24, 2020
Ep. 105: Breaking the Good Girl Myth with MAJO MOLFINO!
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
We were privileged to chat with Majo about her background and how she arrived at this place where she wrote a best-selling book which we highly recommend you pick up (GoodGirlMyth.com). We covered some of the history of the patriarchy and how women have largely been assigned certain roles, some of which were never desired. We covered the dynamics involved in family life and much, much more! This episode has something for everyone!

Sunday May 17, 2020
Ep. 104: UDO ERASMUS - Total Health & Harmony!
Sunday May 17, 2020
Sunday May 17, 2020
Udo Erasmus has a no nonsense approach to human health, harmony and overall well-being. We covered his unique background being born and raised during, and immediately after, World War II. He shared some wisdom about many areas of health, including and especially mindfulness and common sense approaches to balancing our minds, hearts and bodies. Check out his Total Sexy Health FREE e-book and mini course here as well!

Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
Thais Gibson has several degrees and over a dozen certifications in everything from psychology to hypnosis and even neuro-linguistic programming. She is a very sharp and articulate author, speaker and co-creator of the Personal Development School in Toronto, Canada. As if all that weren't enough, she also has an incredible YouTube channel also called Personal Development School with nearly 24,000 subscribers and nearly 2 million views (and counting!). This interview is one for the ages...especially as all of us seek clarity and alignment in our lives.

Sunday May 03, 2020
Ep. 102: NICK ONKEN - Creative Brand-Building + Perseverance!
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
Nick Onken is a very talented, dynamic, creative and extremely accomplished photographer as well as brand builder! He has worked with huge companies like Nike, Coca-Cola and Reebok as well as huge celebrities like Tom Hanks, Justin Bieber, Usher and tons of others (see more and plenty of images here and on his amazing Instagram). Now, he is also helping entrepreneurs and business owners build and elevate their brands through visual storytelling and other crucial strategies. Listen to his story and insights. Please note, there was a small 10 second audio glitch around 28:30 in the interview! All in all, though, we had a great interview with plenty of universal success principles!

Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Ep. 101: JOSH COATS - Learning to Motivate, Overcome Fear & More!
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
This episode really has something for just about everyone! Whether you are building and maintaining a team (sales, MLM, etc) or trying to take care of your family to the best of your ability, the principles discussed here are ones that can be applied in many areas. We also covered how you can get Josh's book AND the audiobook version for FREE on JoshCoats.com. Enjoy our conversation!

Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
We had the privilege, as we celebrate 100 episodes of the podcast, of interviewing Elena Cardone! She opened up about her background and her relationship with Grant. She even explained why she wouldn't even date him for over a year as well as why it was essential for both of them to work on themselves to be worthy of each other. We also talked about dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, parenting, childhood rebellion and more!

Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
We talked today about John Kraskinski holding an online prom plus some of the parameters for reopening much of the economy. We also shared some of Brooke Baldwin's account of her experiences with the virus and our positive outlook moving forward!

Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Ep. 098: Coronavirus Day 30 - Are Numbers Lying to Us? Reopening States & Apollo 13
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
We talked about how the numbers that have been reported surrounding the coronavirus may be very misleading. We also talked about some of the parameters and ramifications of reopening certain places as well as the 50th anniversary of the return of the Apollo 13 crew.

Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Today we talked about some of the proposed parameters for reopening the hotels and casinos in Las Vegas as well as what's driving some stocks upward with the developing coronavirus news. Listen for that and much more on this episode. And, most of all, let's keep our heads up and stay strong together, my friends!

Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
We touched on some of the conspiracy theories surrounding covid-19 and its origins. There are many theories and overall speculation regarding this. We also touched on how schooling and the economy as a whole may look as we return to business.

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Today we talked more about the numbers which appear to slowly be leveling off as we reach a peak in the USA on the coronavirus infections and deaths. We talked about a man who apparently received $8.2 million in his bank account instead of the $1700 he anticipated. And, of course, we talked a bit about President Trump's claim of total authority in reopening the economy, etc.

Monday Apr 13, 2020
Monday Apr 13, 2020
We addressed several topics today involving concerts from home, stimulus payments, Disney World, increased alcohol consumption numbers and the forthcoming interview with Elena Cardone. Please send questions for her as a DM to @empower101 on Instagram or a direct email to info@empowerhumans.com.
Here are the links to update your banking information and some information regarding a tracker for stimulus payments:

Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
HAPPY EASTER! We talked about Easter today including the contrasts in my world between Easter 2019 and Easter 2020. The same sorts of contrasts probably exist in yours as well. We talked about how the Thunderbirds flew in formation over hospitals in Las Vegas as well as the stimulus payments, which have started going out via ACH direct deposit as of Saturday April 11th.

Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
In today's episode, we covered a variety of topics surrounding all things mentioned in the title. We encourage one and all to stay positive and to keep sharing in this podcast with us. Share it with friends, family, co-workers, etc so we can build our united community together. Don't forget to visit Hope.EmpowerHumans.com for more including memes, links and more podcast episodes.

Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
In this episode, we talked about some of the differences of what has transpired in California vs. New York as well as some details surrounding the schools and some speculation from Dr. Fauci. There are many positive things to focus on as we approach a positive resolution of all this. Stay strong!

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
We were delighted to welcome back the always insightful Laura Gassner Otting to discuss the ongoing pandemic as well as her book and forthcoming course, both called Limitless. We covered various thoughts, concerns and observations of the coronavirus situation as well as got in depth as to many of the deep principles in her book and course. We also covered some experiences related to hydroxychloroquine mixed with zinc as a successful treatment of those who are most severely ill from covid-19. This is an action-packed episode! Stay strong, positive and connected!

Monday Apr 06, 2020
Ep. 089: Coronavirus Days 17 & 18 - NEW YORK: Inspiring Us As Always!
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
We talked today about some developments with the numbers as well as some help coming into New York from Washington state and China. We also covered more reasons for hope and inspiration as we get through this virus situation together as ONE!

Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
In this episode, we talked more about the continuing crisis and effects of this virus situation. I am speaking to friends in New York, one of whom may join us for the podcast in the next few days as well. Stay positive, my friends!

Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
We talked about how so many of us are using the word "unprecedented" related to this covid-19 situation. It truly is! We talked about the stimulus money coming to individuals and families as well as businesses and how that will work. Some thoughts also on the frustration and seriousness surrounding this as well as this election year and what that might mean.

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Ep. 086: Coronavirus Days 13 & 14 - The Great Equalizer: COVID-19
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
We discussed several topics including the story of why episode 13 wasn't released at the right time. We also got into the numbers and talked a little about two interviews with a person in Italy and one in Sweden. We covered some of the hopeful angles of this pandemic and how we can all come out better on the other side of this.

Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
We discussed my experiences at Costco and Albertson's as well as getting out with my boys. This all filters through the current (and extended) social distancing guidelines. We talked about some of the latest projections and some food for thought regarding all these facts. Thanks for joining us!

Monday Mar 30, 2020
Ep. 084: Coronavirus Days 10 & 11 - SWINE FLU vs CORONAVIRUS + More Updates!
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
As the title suggests, we delved into some stark differences between the swine flu outbreak and covid-19. The numbers are where the biggest difference lies and we discuss that, especially in terms of mortality today. We also discussed more in depth what is currently expected and some of the good that can and will come from all of this!

Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Ep. 083: Coronavirus Day 9 - NO MORE HOARDING! + News & Commentary
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
The situation continues to evolve with the coronavirus pandemic. We discuss some topics and shared an audio related to the hoarding that has gone on. We talked further about the numbers as well as the unemployment repercussions. Go to hope.empowerhumans.com for more!

Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
In today’s episode, we covered several topics as mentioned in the title. The numbers in the USA have now exceeded China in terms of confirmed cases. The USA has now also exceeded 1000 deaths and currently stands around 1300 deaths due to this virus. We covered more aspects of the "stimulus" bill and what to expect there as well as mental health of children in particular. Lastly, we shared a recording about the possibility of ibuprofen and Advil being a huge problem with this virus as it may increase its power around ten fold. Stay positive and strong! We are in this together and going to get through this!

Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Ep. 081: Day 7 - DR. NIMA: Becoming Trigger Proof + More Updates!
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Dr. Nima is a dynamic speaker, teacher and so much more! With his “Overview Method” and Trigger Proof Facebook group he helps people greatly reduce stress, dissolve and heal past wounds and baggage and really find their true path towards happiness, success and joy in life. This is a process of looking at big pictures and identifying the relationship between certain triggers and ultimately healing ourselves because we are what we can control. Catch his live online 5 hour event at this link also. He takes a multi-day event and compresses it into this 5 hour super event! Of course, we also covered some of the latest related to the coronavirus pandemic.

Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Ep. 080: Coronavirus Day 6 - Mortgage/Rent Payments: A Chain Reaction
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Today we got more in depth on some of the numbers and comparisons specifically between China and Italy. We also touched on the movement to legally stop mortgage and rent payments until this pandemic passes. Keep studying and head over to Hope.EmpowerHumans.com for more info, links (including to our Facebook group) and memes for comic relief.

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Ep. 079: Coronavirus Day 5 - Our Wedding?!
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
In this episode, we covered updated numbers and what it all means, including the vast number of people who have recovered so far. We talked about some topics related to the stimulus package being proposed, inflation and some thoughts on the "Back to the Future" trilogy which I watched with my boys whilst quarantined. Lastly, we covered some thoughts and ideas surrounding weddings, many of which have been disrupted, canceled or altered in the era of "social distancing".

Monday Mar 23, 2020
Ep. 078: Coronavirus Day 4 - Grandma Says!
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
In today's episode, we talked more about the progressing nature of the numbers related to the coronavirus. We touched briefly on the death of Kenny Rogers yesterday, as well as my chat with my grandmother ("Grams") and some of what she had to say and is experiencing. Again, go to Hope.EmpowerHumans.com to connect with our Facebook group and other links as well as some memes for comic relief! Stay strong, my friends!

Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Ep. 077: Coronavirus Day 3 - Some Good News
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
(There were a couple of minor, split-second audio glitches.) We covered the current numbers and news surrounding this virus. I also shared some positive news that shows progress in overcoming this pandemic. This is a shorter episode, but we have a lot of great things coming!

Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Ep. 076: Coronavirus Day 2 - MINDSET Tune-Up!
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
On Day 2 of our special series regarding our response to this coronavirus pandemic, we covered some thoughts for tuning up our mindset. This has gotten bad and unpredictable very quickly, yet we are free to choose our response to this and anything else that crosses our path. I firmly believe this is an opportunity for us to be far more united as humans. I believe we can overcome TOGETHER and be a stronger team on this planet. We are in this together and you are never alone. Visit Hope.EmpowerHumans.com for more insights, links and even memes related to this constantly evolving situation.

Friday Mar 20, 2020
Ep. 075: Coronavirus Day 1 - HOPE!
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
The coronavirus (COVID-19) has risen up very quickly and kind of punched us all collectively in the face! Jobs are being lost as people are becoming very ill, some of which are losing their lives to this virus while cities and businesses are being shut down along with schools. People are in self-isolation or quarantine and grocery stores are bogged down with heavy demand. REGARDLESS of all of that and more, there is great reason for hope and positivity. We can unite under a banner of humanity which has a powerful resolve for preservation as well as resilience and resourcefulness. We will get through this and come out the other side better and stronger. Visit Hope.EmpowerHumans.com for more resources, podcast episodes and even memes for some comic relief.

Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Ep. 074: BE YOU FIND HAPPY with Michaela Renee Johnson
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Michaela Renee Johnson has experienced a wide spectrum of life, from being plucked from a comfortable life in her pre-teen years and placed in a minimalistic situation living in a trailer in the woods with her family to the more materialistic life in a big city and back again! This perspective has fueled her life experience which she now shares as a successful psychotherapist, author, speaker and podcaster. She shares some of her insights here with us as contained in just two of several successful books: Teetering on Disaster and Be You Find Happy (which is also the name of her podcast)!

Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Ep. 073: ALCOHOLISM RECOVERY MEMOIR with Emily Lynn Paulson
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Emily Lynn Paulson is a wife, mother and author of a book titled Highlight Real: Finding Honesty And Recovery Beyond The Filtered Life. We discussed her journey of recovery from alcoholism and how that is sometimes misconstrued in our society between social media and the "wine mom" culture. Nowhere in this interview are we villifying anyone's use of alcohol. We are mostly highlighting doing things for the right reasons and she has a lot of perspective and definitely an interesting take on several layers of this complex topic.

Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Ep. 072: COMPLETE WELLNESS & LESS STRESS with Dr. Ron Ehrlich!
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Dr. Ehrlich is a holistic health advocate, author, speaker, podcaster and holistic dentist with a treasure trove of knowledge related to all interconnected areas of health and wellness. In this interview, we covered a great deal about the physical body and what plays into its well-being as it concerns nutrition, breathing, sleep and so much more. We even covered some thoughts at the end regarding the rise of the coronavirus and what that means. Don't miss his book: A Life Less Stressed: The Five Pillars of Health and Wellness. Also, feel free to visit his website for more! Enjoy our insightful interview!

Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Ep. 071: NO MORE BAD DAYS w/ Michael O'Brien!
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
In this episode, we talked at length with the incredibly inspirational Michael O'Brien about how we frame things properly and prepare ourselves consistently to not allow bad moments to become bad days. In his book, Shift: Creating Better Tomorrows, he tells us how a very traumatic event he experienced in July of 2001 reshaped his thinking about life. He tells us, among other great gems, how to overcome negative self-talk and bring home more than just the bottom-of-the-barrel energy "leftovers". Join us for this excellent conversation which we guarantee will inspire you as Michael empowers over one million people to never have a "bad day" again...Then, go pick up his book at the link above!

Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Ep. 070: Make It Count!
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
As we start a new year and new decade, many of us are seeking a fresh start. It is important, in this process, to embrace the patterns of growth through repetition. Between eating, sleeping, the cycles and revolutions of the planets and the overall flow of the universe, repetition is a core and instructive principle. We also talk in this episode about Elinor Otto, my great aunt who turned 100 in 2019 and with whom I spent New Year's Eve. I believe we can all learn a great deal from her and from the principles discussed in this episode!

Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Ep. 069: CREDIT SECRETS with Randy Wells!
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
In this episode, we had the privilege of discussing credit and its immense power in our lives. From buying a home to renting to insurance to jobs to car purchases/leases, credit is a very integral part of our lives. Randy pulled back the curtain on all kinds of details I promise you've never heard before! If you have bad credit, visit Credit.EmpowerHumans.com for more information and assistance!

Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Ep. 068: Your PRICELESS Worth!
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
In all of our episodes, we remind you that you are priceless at the top of the show. In this episode, we are going to dig in to talk about why that is and 3 things we can all do to bring our lives, our attitudes and mindset in congruence with that priceless state. Doing so will increase our self-esteem and confidence while also lifting those around us. Enjoy!

Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Ep. 067: TIME Management = Joy!
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Time is something peculiar and our perception of it seems to speed up as we age. This episode is about taking control of our time and striving for the right rhythm, harmony and balance to maintain the joyful, aligned life we constantly seek. We talk in this episode about a comparison and analogy between time and the structure of our home. We touch on segmenting or "chunking" our time as well as engaging in activities/action items that further the outcomes we desire in our respective areas of influence. Please review and share this podcast with your loved ones and friends!

Monday Nov 18, 2019
Ep. 066: MICHAEL LEVITT (Undoing Burnout + Other Life Essentials!)
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Michael Levitt has a great story of perspective, learning and overall growth when, in a year's time, he lost his health, job, car and home. We talk in this interview about the lasting impact this has had leading to his book, 369 Days: How to Survive a Year of Worst Case Scenarios, as well as his efforts as the head of Breakfast Leadership. This man speaks with great sincerity and passion for this cause because he knows what burnout and imbalance can create - as well as the effects of eliminating it. The key to it all is IN OUR HANDS! Enjoy our in depth interview!